影视资讯:《歌舞青春》音乐剧抵沪 大剧院周末与观众互动

admin 2021年12月23日04:44:41
201 999字阅读3分19秒

【英文原文】 摘要:改编自同名迪斯尼电影的音乐剧《歌舞青春》6月30日到7月19日将在上海大剧院进行三周的演出,届时,上海大剧院的舞台将会“变身”为美国高中校园。昨天下午,剧中演员抵达上海后首次集体亮相,身着超短裙和运动裤的这些“80后们”现场演绎了劲歌热舞《我们来共同面对》。



With the arrival of summer, one of the hottest things in town for students will be the holidays and even more exciting, the opening of the stage musical "High School Musical."文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/325.html

The stage musical based on the Disney Channel's original movie "High School Musical" will be on stage in Shanghai, the first stop in Asia and the second in a world tour after the show debuted in South Africa in last December, even before London and Broadway. There will be a total of 24 performances at the Shanghai Grand Theater running from June 30 to July 18.文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/325.html

After its release in January, 2006, the Emmy Award-winning American television film became the most successful movie that the Disney Channel ever produced, and was also the Disney Channel's most watched movie that year with 7.7 million viewers in its premiere broadcast in the US.文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/325.html

So far three sequels have been released and a fourth installment, "High School Musical 4," is being written and will be released in the autumn of 2010. The first three DVDs will be officially released in China this month.文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/325.html

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