
admin 2021年12月22日05:32:53
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1. 南瓜灯的前身竟然是……萝卜灯? 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/300.html

The whole thing about Halloween is actually made up by the Americans. Its not even called Halloween in the European countries. To start with, Jack-o’-lanterns would be a perfect proof. These carved pumpkins, are made to guide lost souls or protect from evil spirits. And the namesake, Jack, who basically, pissed off the devil, and were condemned by him to spend forever in hell. But this naughty boy wont let it go, and tried to use the turnip, a kind of vegie that looks like radish, that the devil tossed at him, to make a lantern, and guide himself out of hell. Now we are actually talking about the Irish version of Jack-o’-lanterns, its after the potato famine, when Irish people were forced to flee to America, they brought this custom there, except one thing is differentthey started to use pumpkins to replace turnips, because those things arehard to find in North America.” Heil pumpkins! 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/300.html

其实现在所谓的万圣节传统都是美国人自己编的……在欧洲国家,人家根本都不叫Halloween这个名字。说起来,杰克南瓜灯就是个非常好的例子。这些被雕过的南瓜,其实是用来为迷路的鬼魂们指路,或者是驱散恶灵的。杰克这个名字的由来,说白了,就是一个叫杰克的小男孩挑衅了恶魔,然后被恶魔永远关在了地狱了。可是这个淘气boy可不甘心啊,他用恶魔砸在他身上的芜菁(也叫大头菜,疙瘩头,神似大萝卜)做了一个灯,为自己逃出地狱指路。但这个故事其实讲的是爱尔兰版本的杰克灯,直到爱尔兰爆发土豆饥荒,大批人到美国逃难,爱尔兰人才把这个万圣节传统带到美国。但有一点改动的是,他们开始用南瓜代替芜菁制灯,因为芜菁这东西“在北美很难找到”。南瓜万岁! 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/300.html

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  • 本文由 发表于 2021年12月22日05:32:53
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