
admin 2021年12月22日00:09:25
215 804字阅读2分40秒

It ’s very preferable that you should store the following 5 items out of the refrigerator . You are mistaken if you think that absolutely all products enjoy low temperatures .

Its very preferable that you should store the following 5 items out of the refrigerator. You are mistaken if you think that absolutely all products enjoy low temperatures. 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

(不是所有食物都适合放在冰箱储存哒),下面5种食品最好都在常温下保存就好。如果你要是认为所有的东西都适合低温保存,那就是一个误区啦。 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

1. Bananas 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

香蕉 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

这5种食材不需要冰箱,在寝室也能轻松储存 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

Bananas are full of vitamins and minerals. They are nutritious and its a shame to find out that the food is losing its best properties simply because you do not know how to store it. Keep your bananas on the kitchen counter and let the fruits ripen. The ripening process is prevented if bananas are put in the cooler. 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

香蕉含丰富的维他命和矿物质。它们营养丰富,但如果你储存不当,他们的营养物质就会容易流失。把香蕉放在厨房的台子上,让它们自然成熟就好。如果放入冰箱的话,它们的成熟过程会受到阻碍。 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

2. Garlic 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

大蒜 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

这5种食材不需要冰箱,在寝室也能轻松储存 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

We do not want our garlic to sprout! But thats what happens to this fragrant plant if it is kept in the cooler. Take your garlic out of the fridge and find a better place. If you keep it in a dry, cool and well place, your garlic will not lose its aroma, properties and texture. 文章源自多老师网-http://www.duolaoshi.cn/292.html

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  • 本文由 发表于 2021年12月22日00:09:25
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